Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition
News posted January 18, 2021 by Jay KayA new game in the Terraforming Mars universe is coming 2021! This time it's a card game.
Sci-fi board and card games, such as Core Worlds, Terraforming Mars, Race for the Galaxy, and Eclipse. Obviously also expansions.
A new game in the Terraforming Mars universe is coming 2021! This time it's a card game.
Two additional houses for the excellent board game Dune, Tleilaxu, and Ixians. These factions will bring some new fresh mechanics and obviously everything else you need like tokens, player sheets, rulebook, and 30 cards.
We covered the Anachrony: Fractures of Time Kickstarter a year back, and in this Kickstarter, there were a couple of expansion modules included as stretch goals. Those are now contained in this box called Anachrony: Future Imperfect. Let's have a look.
A worker-placement game set in the very famous Fallout universe has been released! We are talking about Fallout Shelter: The Board Game, based on the popular mobile science fiction game. The game looks promising with top-notch artwork and some cool mechanics.
The long-awaited "big box release" for Terraforming Mars is going to be on Kickstarter in the near future (date set for 9th of June or so). But what does this mean? Well, let's find out.
The publisher The Op (USAopoly) has announced Talisman: Star Wars, another fruit from their relatively new partnership with Games Workshop.
The pair have previously released Talisman: Kingdom Hearts, Talisman: Batman, and Monopoly: Warhammer 40k. The bad news for the good people of the US is that this game probably won't be released in America.
Good news Terraforming Mars fans! There is a dice version of the popular game coming out some time in 2021, here's what we know so far.
Finally, non-RPG players will be able to take part of the Star Wars: Outer Rim universe on your gaming table. Fantasy Flight is releasing a new sci-fi board game in June.
The game will support 1-4 players and will take 2-3 hours to play.
A huge variety of cards and a myriad of ways to chain them into powerful engines is the heart of Terraforming Mars, and this is what makes it into such an enjoyable game with high replay value. Enjoy this review by guest-star Callan Bond.
Another expansion for Marvel Legendary is due in May! It's a small expansion, as in 100 cards, it will contain a new keyword, Switcheroo, and two returning ones, Investigate and Teleport from Noir and Dark City/Secret Wars respectively.
As the previous small expansions, there will be 5 new heroes, 2 new henchman groups, but only one new mastermind, to make room for 5 new bystanders.
William Aukes has been playtesting the new title by the renowned Vital Lacerda, for 5 months. Is it any good? Is it your next buy? Well, read on and find out!
Mensa has announced the winners of this years Mensa Select awards;
Gale Force Nine has revealed they are releasing a reprint of the classic board game Dune. Along with this, they are planning to release multiple other Dune based titles, and we are very excited about this, because Dune is freaking awesome.
The Silver River is a new 4X game, currently on Kickstarter, designed by Robert Burke and Nate Blivins, and artwork byt Ton Ho Sim.
You should really read on because this game looks good indeed.
Weta Workshop, a movie-making firm studio, known for the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Avatar and Mad Max: Fury Road, has announced a District 9: The Board Game Kickstarter Campaign. A movie, which they were very involved in doing.
The New Zealand based company has released one board game before, GKR: Heavy Hitters, which has spawned a couple of expansions.
The Portuguese designer Vital Lacerda, known for titles such as Vinhos, Lisboa, and CO₂, is working on a game named On Mars.
Like the name suggests, the game is set on Mars, and the players take the roles as chief austronats working for private space exploration companies. They are to develop the biggest, most advanced colony on mars scoring points for different mission goals and hidden corporate agendas.
Mining, building, exploring, upgrading buildings, recruiting and managing settlers are their tasks, aswell as getting power to the colonies.
In the end, the colony should be self-sufficient.
Rio Grande games has announced that Underwater Cities is hitting the stores in US this spring. This version has upgraded components such as thicker boards. The game, which was released in 2018, has been designed by the Czech designer Vladimír Suchýwhich (Pulsar 2849 and Last Will), has reached a high ranking on BGG, and looks very solid.
The highly anticipated second expansion for Roll for the Galaxy is being released some time in Mars/April 2019.
MSRP $80, which is 20$ more than the base game, and the designer has commented this like so;
There will be plenty of content; a new die type, new start factions, home worlds, and game tiles, new player screens, all new 10 player dice, a dozen customizable dice with over 200 plug-in die faces in 48 different type, 62 Roll dice in 10 different types, 5 sheets of tiles and markers, 8 sheets for the deal mat, new phase strips, plus wooden disks. Alot of stuff.
We recognize the price is high, especially for an expansion. If we divided it into three separate expansions, then the total would probably be around ~$125, instead of $80, and we wouldn't be able to provide unified Player screens or save some cost on components shared between the Deal and Orb games.
Huge news for you TM fans! Terraforming Mars: Turmoil, the 5th expansion for Terraforming Mars is underway, and Terraforming Mars Legacy, like the title suggests, a standalone "Legacy" style of game set in the same universe is being designed in this very moment!
According to Stronghold Games, a standalone board game set in the Core Worlds universe is under development by designer Andrew Parks and his Quixotic Games development team.
No exact release day has been announced but we are guessing some time after the summer 2019.
The expansion in a nutshell:
Just in case you have missed it, another expansion for the excellent board game Terraforming Mars, is out now in a store near you. Go pick it up already.
Below there is more information, and also a tutorial video.