Frosthaven, a sequel to Gloomhaven is in the works.

Posted 24 March 2020 by Jay Kay
A sequel to the immensely successful coop game Glomhaven is in the works. It's called Frosthaven and a Kickstarter is due in the near future. Here's a short summary of what this means. Check it out.
- No stretch goals as the producers are confident they will get all the funding they need to do everything they want to do.
- The point of doing a Kickstarter in the first place is to get an idea o how many units to print, as this was a big problem with Gloomhaven.
- Gloomhaven will also be available to buy via the Kickstarter campaign.
- There will just be a miniature version, and no standee version, because there is little to gain in terms of production costs.
- The box will be the same format and about the same size as Gloomhaven but is expected to be a bit bigger, so "higher". The 2 boxes will stack nicely.
- The game will be launched in English.
- It will probably cost around $100 + shipping.
- The insert will be similar to Gloomhavens but improvements will be made where possible.
- There will be sixteen characters in total from the get-go with Frosthaven. Of these, six are starting characters.
- The loot system will be the same as Gloomhaven.
- While you could transfer your character from Gloomhaven, but Frosthaven is designed to be played from level 1.
- There will be a lot of monsters returning from Gloomhaven, but obviously there will be a lot of new ones as well.
- There will be balancing in the late game with the issues with Gloomhaven in mind.
- Solo scenarios will be available from the start.
All the data above is summarized from an interview with Isaac Childres, the designer. So when is the Kickstarter starting?!
-The campaign was about to launch the 24th of March but has been delayed because of the ongoing Corona crisis. It has been scheduled to start the 31st of March though, and a link can be found here.
What are your thoughts on this? Yay or nay?
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