Marvel: Legendary expansions by Upper Deck

Check out the coming marvel legendary expansions for 2019 and 2020, for marvel legendary the board game

Marvel Legendary: Messiah Complex

Review posted February 20, 2025 by Jay Kay

The Marvel Legendary - Messiah Complex expansion came out 2022, and is by date the latest Non-MCU "Deluxe Expansion", as in an expansion with 200 cards, so it's probably worth having a look at.

Marvel Legendary: 2099

News posted July 01, 2023 by Jay Kay

The next Marvel legendary expansion in line is called 2099, and will not very suprisingly take place in the future. The set will hold futuristic version of Spiderman, Ghost rider, and Dr Doom, among others.

Marvel Legendary: MCU The Infinity Saga

News posted February 03, 2023 by Jay Kay

Yet another expansion is due for the wildly popular Marvel Legendary, this time a MCU version, which will contain photos from the movies rather than drawed graphics. Let's have a look at Marvel Legendary - The Infinity Saga.

Marvel Legendary: Midnight Sons

News posted November 30, 2022 by Jay Kay

Marvel Legendary is continuing its onslaught of expansions, the next one in line is the Midnight Sons expansion which will feature Blade and Morbius, among other characters.

Marvel Legendary: Dr. Strange

News posted June 12, 2021 by Jay Kay

Annihilation has not been released at this time, but the next one in line is in the pipe nevertheless. Dr. Strange will join us with his own expansion, Dr Strange & the Shadows at night.

Marvel Legendary: Annihilation

News posted December 28, 2020 by Jay Kay

The next expansion in line for the every growing Marvel Legendary will be Annihiliation. It will be released Summer 2021.

Marvel Legendary: Into the Cosmos

Review posted December 06, 2020 by Jay Kay

This expansion can be considered the sequel to the classic expansion "Guardians of the Galaxy" that came out in 2014, with goodies like shards and more heroes for the GoG roster.

Marvel Legendary: Realm of Kings

News posted November 15, 2019 by Jay Kay

Another expansion for Legendary is out, believe it or not, check it out here.

Marvel Legendary: Dark City reprint

News posted 22 May 2020 by Jay Kay

Good news for all you Marvel Legendary fans, the classic expansion Dark City is finally back in the stores. It did come back briefly in March but ran out quickly, and with the current situation being as it is, it's quite surprising to find it back.

Marvel Legendary: Into the Cosmos

News posted 10 May 2020 by Jay Kay

The new mutants are already among us, tearing stuff up. The next upcoming expansion for Marvel Legendary will be Into the Cosmos.

The set will probably be a 200 card set like Revelations, which is the new size of the Big Box expansions.

We suspect there will be characters linked to the Guardians of the Galaxy and other loose folk from around the galaxy.

Marvel Legendary: New Mutants

News posted 27 January 2020 by Jay Kay

The next upcoming expansion to Marvel Legendary is "The New Mutants". This refers to a group of X-men, who has previously appeared in Legendary as special bystanders in the X-Men expansion.

New Mutants members Magik and Cannonball have already appeared in the game as playable characters in Secret Wars, Vol. 1 expansion, and the X-Men expansion respectively, so our guess is that we can rule those heroes out. This is probably going to be a 100-card set, given the material.
With that in mind, here are our speculations:
Here is the confirmed list of heroes:

Marvel Legendary: Heroes of Asgard

News posted 11 November 2019 by Jay Kay

The next expansion in line for the Marvel: Legendary series is Heroes of Asgard
This expansion will come out on February 26th, 2020 and will mark the 20th expansion to the game, which is pretty crazy. 

Marvel Legendary: World war Hulk

Review posted 26 October 2019 by Jay Kay

In Legendary: World War Hulk, the 16th expansion for Marvel Legendary, the focus is, surprisingly enough, around the Hulk.
Kidding aside, this expansion lets the players dive into the Planet Hulk and World War Hulk storylines from Marvel Comics, which obviously will bring a lot of new characters into the Marvel: Legendary Deck Building Game, and also blurs out the lines between the "good" guys and the "bad" guys. Hulk is both. If you don't know what I mean go read the comics!
Mechanic-wise there is some news as well. We are gonna check those out, but please note that this review assumes you have played Marvel: Legendary before.

Marvel Legendary: SHIELD

News posted 16 October 2019 by Jay Kay

Another Marvel Legendary expansion is on the horizon, with a focus on S.H.I.E.L.D. It's a small set with 100 cards and it will feature new heroes, masterminds, villain groups, etc. Perhaps the biggest news is the special S.H.I.E.L.D. officers to mix in with Maria Hill.

Marvel Legendary: Revelations

News posted 23 July 2019 by Jay Kay

Another expansion for the successfull Marvel: Legendary series is coming out in August. This time, we will have heroes like Scarlet WitchQuicksilver and War Machine joining our ranks to battle the mastermind The Hood, among others. The set will also feature the Mandarin, which looks like a really cool Mastermind with some fresh ideas. When it comes to villain groups, the set will feature cool villains like the Dark Avengers.

Marvel Legendary: Dimensions

News posted 09 May 2019 by Jay Kay

Another expansion for Marvel Legendary is due in May! It's a small expansion, as in 100 cards, it will contain a new keyword, Switcheroo, and two returning ones, Investigate and Teleport from Noir and Dark City/Secret Wars respectively.
As the previous small expansions, there will be 5 new heroes, 2 new henchman groups, but only one new mastermind, to make room for 5 new bystanders.

James Bond is coming to the Legendary deckbuilding series

News posted 12 March 2019 by Jay Kay

Another franchise has joined the Upper Deck's Legendary deckbuilding series, after other titles like Aliens, Firefly and Big trouble in little China.

Marvel Legendary: Venom coming in February 2019

News posted 02 December 2018 by Jay Kay

The expansion in a nutshell:

  • NOT related to the recent Venom movie. (You know the sucky one with Tom Hardy)
  • Small expansion with 100 cards.
  • 5 new heroes, Carnage, Venom Rocket (Racoon), Venom, Venompool, and Venomized Dr. Strange.
  • 2 masterminds, Poison Thanos and Hybrid.
  • 2 new villian groups; Life foundations and Poisons.
  • 4 new schemes
  • Return of the Excessive Violence keyword, and some brand new mechanics, like;
    Digest and Indigestion. Bad guys gets Symbiotic Bounds. Read more below.
  • Will NOT be released in February, March/April more likely.
Last updated 2019-03-08