Expansions to different card and board games

Like Marvel: Legendary Venom, Terraforming Mars Colonies, Great Western Trails: Rails to the North etc

Marvel Legendary: Messiah Complex

Review posted February 20, 2025 by Jay Kay

The Marvel Legendary - Messiah Complex expansion came out 2022, and is by date the latest Non-MCU "Deluxe Expansion", as in an expansion with 200 cards, so it's probably worth having a look at.

Heroes III on Gamefound with three new expansions

News posted September 15, 2024 by Jay Kay

The crowdfunding campaign is launching on Tuesday, the 17th of September. This time the main focus of the campaign is the three new expansions - Stronghold, Conflux, and Cove.

Marvel Legendary: 2099

News posted July 01, 2023 by Jay Kay

The next Marvel legendary expansion in line is called 2099, and will not very suprisingly take place in the future. The set will hold futuristic version of Spiderman, Ghost rider, and Dr Doom, among others.

Cascadia: Landmarks

News posted April 18, 2023 by Jay Kay

An expansion is coming for the awesome family game, Cascadia. It will add player support up to 6 players, among other things. Check it out.

Marvel Legendary: MCU The Infinity Saga

News posted February 03, 2023 by Jay Kay

Yet another expansion is due for the wildly popular Marvel Legendary, this time a MCU version, which will contain photos from the movies rather than drawed graphics. Let's have a look at Marvel Legendary - The Infinity Saga.

Marvel Legendary: Midnight Sons

News posted November 30, 2022 by Jay Kay

Marvel Legendary is continuing its onslaught of expansions, the next one in line is the Midnight Sons expansion which will feature Blade and Morbius, among other characters.

The Crew -Mission Deep Sea

News posted July 18, 2021 by Jay Kay

The excellent trick takeing game The Crew has takes the board gaming world by storm, and now there's a new version ready to take on the sea. So to speak.

Marvel Legendary: Dr. Strange

News posted June 12, 2021 by Jay Kay

Annihilation has not been released at this time, but the next one in line is in the pipe nevertheless. Dr. Strange will join us with his own expansion, Dr Strange & the Shadows at night.

Marvel Legendary: Annihilation

News posted December 28, 2020 by Jay Kay

The next expansion in line for the every growing Marvel Legendary will be Annihiliation. It will be released Summer 2021.

AuZtralia: TaZmania

News posted December 25, 2020 by Jay Kay

AuZtralia TaZmania is a dual map expansion for AuZtralia that is designed for 1 or 2 players, that differs from the larget map in the base game in this regard.

Marvel Legendary: Into the Cosmos

Review posted December 06, 2020 by Jay Kay

This expansion can be considered the sequel to the classic expansion "Guardians of the Galaxy" that came out in 2014, with goodies like shards and more heroes for the GoG roster.

Marvel Legendary: Realm of Kings

News posted November 15, 2019 by Jay Kay

Another expansion for Legendary is out, believe it or not, check it out here.

Dune expansion

News posted 19 October 2020 by Jay Kay

Two additional houses for the excellent board game Dune, Tleilaxu, and Ixians. These factions will bring some new fresh mechanics and obviously everything else you need like tokens, player sheets, rulebook, and 30 cards.

Anachrony: Future Imperfect

News posted 09 June 2020 by Jay Kay

We covered the Anachrony: Fractures of Time Kickstarter a year back, and in this Kickstarter, there were a couple of expansion modules included as stretch goals. Those are now contained in this box called Anachrony: Future Imperfect. Let's have a look.

Terraforming Mars big box Kickstarter

News posted 01 June 2020 by Jay Kay

The long-awaited "big box release" for Terraforming Mars is going to be on Kickstarter in the near future (date set for 9th of June or so). But what does this mean? Well, let's find out.

Marvel Legendary: Into the Cosmos

News posted 10 May 2020 by Jay Kay

The new mutants are already among us, tearing stuff up. The next upcoming expansion for Marvel Legendary will be Into the Cosmos.

The set will probably be a 200 card set like Revelations, which is the new size of the Big Box expansions.

We suspect there will be characters linked to the Guardians of the Galaxy and other loose folk from around the galaxy.

Drakborgen on Kickstarter

News posted 05 May 2020 by Jay Kay

Good news for our Swedish readers! The old classic Drakborgen is getting reprinted via Kickstarter. Too bad there will not be an English version at this time. Anyway, Drakborgen is also known as Dungeonquest which is quite popular even though it's quite inferior to the original.

Dominion Menagerie

News posted 22 March 2020 by Jay Kay

Someone said to me that the last expansion of the deck builder Dominion was coming out. I believed them. Well, I believed the part where there would be an expansion was coming out, but I laughed at the notion that it was gonna be the last one.

That expansion in question was Dominion: Guilds which was the 8th one. Here we are a couple of years later and now it's time for the 13th expansion; Dominion: Menagerie. Let's have a quick look.

Spirit Island: Jagged Earth

News posted 22 February 2020 by Jay Kay

An expansion for the awesome coop game Spirit Island is on its way. It's called Jagged Earth and like expected, it will contain new spirits, power cards, adversaries, etc. But it will also contain some new stuff, like badland tokens, which is a new way to fight the invaders.

Marvel Legendary: New Mutants

News posted 27 January 2020 by Jay Kay

The next upcoming expansion to Marvel Legendary is "The New Mutants". This refers to a group of X-men, who has previously appeared in Legendary as special bystanders in the X-Men expansion.

New Mutants members Magik and Cannonball have already appeared in the game as playable characters in Secret Wars, Vol. 1 expansion, and the X-Men expansion respectively, so our guess is that we can rule those heroes out. This is probably going to be a 100-card set, given the material.
With that in mind, here are our speculations:
Here is the confirmed list of heroes:

Small World: Sky Islands

Review posted 22 December 2019 by Jay Kay

Do you like Small World? Did you stop buying the expansions a couple of years back, because there were simple too many of them? Well, perhaps it's time to remedy that.

Marvel Legendary: Heroes of Asgard

News posted 11 November 2019 by Jay Kay

The next expansion in line for the Marvel: Legendary series is Heroes of Asgard
This expansion will come out on February 26th, 2020 and will mark the 20th expansion to the game, which is pretty crazy. 

Marvel Legendary: World war Hulk

Review posted 26 October 2019 by Jay Kay

In Legendary: World War Hulk, the 16th expansion for Marvel Legendary, the focus is, surprisingly enough, around the Hulk.
Kidding aside, this expansion lets the players dive into the Planet Hulk and World War Hulk storylines from Marvel Comics, which obviously will bring a lot of new characters into the Marvel: Legendary Deck Building Game, and also blurs out the lines between the "good" guys and the "bad" guys. Hulk is both. If you don't know what I mean go read the comics!
Mechanic-wise there is some news as well. We are gonna check those out, but please note that this review assumes you have played Marvel: Legendary before.

Marvel Legendary: SHIELD

News posted 16 October 2019 by Jay Kay

Another Marvel Legendary expansion is on the horizon, with a focus on S.H.I.E.L.D. It's a small set with 100 cards and it will feature new heroes, masterminds, villain groups, etc. Perhaps the biggest news is the special S.H.I.E.L.D. officers to mix in with Maria Hill.

Res Arcana expansion "Lux et Tenebrae"

News posted 25 September 2019 by Jay Kay

An expansion for Thomas Lehmanns Res Arcana is in the works. It's called Res Arcana: Lux et Tenebrae and is due sometime later this year, probably arriving before Christmas.

Description from the publisher

Res Arcana: Lux et Tenebrae adds 4 new Places of Power, 12 artifacts, 4 mages, 4 monuments, and 2 magic items to Res Arcana. It also extends the game to five players, adds scaling rules for fewer players, and introduces two new things: scrolls and Demons.

Update: We have sneak peek material available, have a look.

Marvel Legendary: Revelations

News posted 23 July 2019 by Jay Kay

Another expansion for the successfull Marvel: Legendary series is coming out in August. This time, we will have heroes like Scarlet WitchQuicksilver and War Machine joining our ranks to battle the mastermind The Hood, among others. The set will also feature the Mandarin, which looks like a really cool Mastermind with some fresh ideas. When it comes to villain groups, the set will feature cool villains like the Dark Avengers.

Villainous: Evil Comes Prepared

News posted 19 July 2019 by Jay Kay

Another Villainous set is hitting the stores in the coming days, and it's called Evil Comes Prepared. It's is playble on it's own for 2-3 players, and also compatible with the base game and Wicked to the Core.

The villians in question are Scar (Lion King), Yzma (The Emperor's New Groove) , and Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective).

Dungeons and Dragons Essentials Kit

News posted 20 May 2019 by Jay Kay

Another D&D product is the pipeline, this time a sort of completion to the D&D Starter Kit, in fact, it's published as a "sister set" to the latter. This spawn from the depths is called the Dungeons and Essentials Kit, and includes among other things, a new quest in the Phandalin region of the Sword Coast.

Marvel Legendary: Dimensions

News posted 09 May 2019 by Jay Kay

Another expansion for Marvel Legendary is due in May! It's a small expansion, as in 100 cards, it will contain a new keyword, Switcheroo, and two returning ones, Investigate and Teleport from Noir and Dark City/Secret Wars respectively.
As the previous small expansions, there will be 5 new heroes, 2 new henchman groups, but only one new mastermind, to make room for 5 new bystanders.

Villainous Expansion

News posted 06 February 2019 by Jay Kay

An expansion for the Disney themed game Villainous is to be released i March the 3rd, and will be only be avaible in Target stores (in US) until the end of the month. After that, our guess is that you can pretty much pick it up anyware. What goes for the rest of the world is a bit uncertain at this point but there has been hints from Ravensburger that the game will be released in germany in March aswell.

Food Chain Magnate: The Ketchup Mechanism & Other Ideas

News posted 03 February 2019 by Jay Kay

Splotter games are as developing an Food Chain Magnate expansion as we speak, called The Ketchup Mechanism & Other Ideas. The expansion will be avaible some time during 2019 and is avaible on pre-order from Splotters website. Splotter claim "the expansion is in good shape", but it is till being tested and balanced out.

Caverna: The Forgotten Folk

News posted 31 January 2019 by Jay Kay

Caverna: The Forgotten Folk is being released in the US as we speak. It's an expansion for Uwe Rosenbergs behemoth Caverna, and one interesting thing is that it originated as a fan project on BoardGameGeek, and Caverna publisher Lookout Games decided to work with the designer to develop this material and release it as an official expansion.

Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles

News posted 10 January 2019 by Jay Kay

Forgotten Circles, an expansion to the extremely hyped game Gloomhaven is hitting the stores this spring!

The expansion features twenty new scenarios that take place after the events of the original Gloomhaven campaign and involve one new character class — the Aesther Diviner — and her attempts to prevent an approaching calamity. The accompanying scenario book breaks these scenarios up across multiple pages to create more dynamic and surprising encounters.

The expansion also features seven new monster types (including three new bosses) and fourteen new items.

CrowdOx has a preorder campaign here.

Terraforming Mars rumours

News posted 22 December 2018 by Jay Kay

Huge news for you TM fans! Terraforming Mars: Turmoil, the 5th expansion for Terraforming Mars is underway, and Terraforming Mars Legacy, like the title suggests, a standalone "Legacy" style of game set in the same universe is being designed in this very moment!

Marvel Legendary: Venom coming in February 2019

News posted 02 December 2018 by Jay Kay

The expansion in a nutshell:

  • NOT related to the recent Venom movie. (You know the sucky one with Tom Hardy)
  • Small expansion with 100 cards.
  • 5 new heroes, Carnage, Venom Rocket (Racoon), Venom, Venompool, and Venomized Dr. Strange.
  • 2 masterminds, Poison Thanos and Hybrid.
  • 2 new villian groups; Life foundations and Poisons.
  • 4 new schemes
  • Return of the Excessive Violence keyword, and some brand new mechanics, like;
    Digest and Indigestion. Bad guys gets Symbiotic Bounds. Read more below.
  • Will NOT be released in February, March/April more likely.
Last updated 2019-03-08

Great Western Trail: Rails to the North

Review posted 28 November 2018 by Jay Kay

This expansion revolves around a new extension board which contains new cities like Chicago, Detroit, and New York City, amongst others. The new board overlaps the uppermost part of the original board, covering the old ones.

Be advised that business is much more difficult on this rails, so players will want to take advantage of friendly hospitality by establishing branchlets and helping form towns. In addition to the new railway system, players will also discover new station master tiles, private buildings, and an expanded player board to offer more strategic depth in their decision making.

7 Wonders: Armada review

News posted 25 November 2018 by Jay Kay

Check our review of the new expansion to 7 wonders, Armada. You can find it in the review section. The review assumes you have played 7w before.

For you who might have stumbled in here without knowing what 7w is, we can tell you this much; It's not Risk, it's not Clue, it's certainly not Monopoly. 7 wonders is actually a game worth playing.
It's a cardgame that plays for about 30 minutes, even with 7 players, and at the same time has alot of deph. It's simply amazing, so do yourself a favour and go buy it.

7 Wonders: Armada

Review posted 25 November 2018 by Jay Kay

This 7 Wonders expansion allows you to build fleets of Ships to conquer the seas. New Armada and Island cards enrich the game and increase the interaction between players.

The flow of the game is slightly changed, but the victory conditions remain identical to those of the base game of 7 Wonders.

At the beginning of each Age, the players each get a hand of 8 cards. They will play an extra card during each Age. At any time a Red, Yellow, Green, or Blue card is played, the player will be able to move the ship of the same color one space, and access to various advantages.

Terraforming Mars Colonies

News posted 22 November 2018 by Jay Kay

Just in case you have missed it, another expansion for the excellent board game Terraforming Mars, is out now in a store near you. Go pick it up already.

Below there is more information, and also a tutorial video.


Dungeons & Dragons Waterdeep: Dungeon Of The Mad Mage

News posted 19 November 2018 by Jay Kay

The sequel to the great adventure Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is finally out in there stores.